It seems to me like a big part of frustration in dating ... for both sexes ... comes down to three major things.
First, all of us have blinders. Most people don't realize how selective they're being. Including a lot of people who feel like they are being ignored by the opposite sex.
Second, we're putting off permanence for too long. The older we get, the harder it is for us to forge new connections and a new relationship. Especially true for people who want kids. Too often, we're waiting for both men and women to reach career success first before trying for something permanent.
Third, expectations are getting less realistic. I could speculate on a lot of reasons for this, but someone with very unrealistic expectations will lock themselves out of relationship success in a lot of ways.
My sense is that below a certain age (30? 35? 40? I don't know) women who can get laid but can't find a relationship are more likely to be making tactical or strategic mistakes than to have something fundamental about them as people that men are detecting and avoiding.